
◆サークル「ぜできあ」の活動告知サイト。FF7(関連作品含)&ONE PIECE。
□■ぜできあ新喜劇■□ ぜできあ新喜劇

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サイト内にある全ての二次創作作品の著作権は zedekiah や各々の作者に帰属します。

Online Fanarts Protection
This is an unofficial fan site, written in Japanese.
Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, ONE PIECE and Tokimeki memorial Girl's Side are copyright each manga artist and corporation.
We are not affiliated with any associated company. The owner is intended no profit.
All fanarts/fanfictions on the site are copyright zedekiah or their artists and writers.
Please do not upload our fanworks to other websites, copy and reproduce from them, publish them in fanzines without permission.